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Safeguarding Adults and Children

Updated 29/09/2022 

* It is your responsibility to report any safeguarding concerns you have to the relevant agencies - please see the relevant contacts/policies below to support you. In the event that you do have safeguarding concerns please also complete our incident form here after taking the relevant action.

Safeguarding Contacts


In case of danger to life, risk of injury or crime (emergency) contact 999

Urgent or routine police involvement: 0845 330 0222

Adult Safeguarding contacts

SAFA Vulnerable adults safeguarding team: 01707 354 556 e:

Incidents committed against vulnerable adults by persons in a position of trust (this includes family members who have a care responsibility).  

Referral form on the Hertfordshire Police website: 


Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust: 0300 777 0707

For adults receiving mental health services


Adult Health and Community Services: 0300 123 4042 - Monday to Friday 8am - 8pm, Saturday 9am to 4pm

Child and Young Person Safeguarding Contacts

Hertfordshire Police's child abuse investigation unit: 0845 330 0222 (24hrs)

Hertfordshire county council's Children, Schools and Families Team: 0300 123 4043

Herts Health Safeguarding Lead: Alex Byrne -

Safeguarding Policies

Safeguarding Children and Young Persons

Safeguarding Adults and Vulnerable Adults

Mental Capacity Act Policy

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